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A place for people who want more than just abstinence

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five things i've learned about alcohol use disorder that might just save your life

Is sober & Alive
Right for you?

Sober & Alive and Rachel Hope are not licensed medical professionals or therapists. See full disclaimer.

WHAT IS Sober & alive?

Sober & Alive is an online personal sober coaching platform where those who have experienced Alcohol Use Disorder, can learn how to live sober- and to live well.  There are so many treatment programs designed to help people to stop drinking.  Sober & Alive is about staying sober.  To remain sober, we must achieve freedom from alcohol.  This means we don’t miss it, crave it, hide it, need it, lie about it, over-identify with it, or feel deprived.  At Sober & Alive this is our experience.  It is not a professional theory.  We offer real help for living sober, not about comparing ourselves to others regarding drinking.  We meet you where you are, as you are, whether you have been sober for one day, for many years, or even if you are just sobercurious. Regardless of how you have come to the desire to live sober, and to feel good doing it, we will teach you how to begin and maintain a self-sustaining practice. This simple practice will empower you to live entirely free from alcohol, and progressively free in every way. Once you have taken the main course you will have learned The Fearlessness Writing Technique and learned Vedic or Transcendental Meditation practice.  The course is designed to groove you effortlessly into the habit of doing this daily, so we call the Sober & Alive method The Daily Alignment Practice.  People who take the main course are automatically enrolled as members free for six months.  For those who have already onboarded the method through me or another coach, you can become a member right away and enjoy regular peer support meetings, group practice sessions with Q&A, special content videos about being Sober & Alive including interviews with other S&A members- we have a lot of fun.  Membership also gets you discounts on other courses relevant to sober living, spiritual growth, and mental and physical health and well-being.  When we say well-being, the sky’s the limit.  Welcome to Sober & Alive, the place to get unstuck, and start living your authentic sober life



My main course teaches a very simple suite of tools that are easy to learn, and after the first session you will find tremendous relief. After the 60 day habituation period The Daily Alignment Practice should be entirely effortless to maintain. I also offer the main course in sections to make the Sober & Alive method accessible for every budget.  Once the Daily Alignment practice is in place, I offer a variety of courses, webinars, retreats, and workshops to dive deeper into anything that would improve our sober lives. 


Continued sober coaching helps to uphold and reinforce new and healthy habits, and to build improved life skills.  A coach is a positive support person who understands the unique challenges of living sober. They share their own sober experience and wisdom to help you cultivate the life that you want to live. It's not about advice, but  empowering you to discover and expand your own authentic alcohol-free self.


Sober & Alive members enjoy regularly scheduled meetings with peers, including practice together sessions over zoom. We follow our sessions with Circle style meetings or knowledge talks. All members have access to special content knowledge talk recordings. Members get free and discounted rates on courses, continued one-on-one coaching, and access to community where we build friendships and have support in a world where most grown-ups drink. 


Grooving a New Habit, the Daily Alignment for Fearless Living
Purchase the whole course for only $3000, and save 40%

sliding scale is available for qualified participants



The initial writing practice is very easy to learn, and the primary 1-to-2-hour installation sessions take place over a 5-day period.   You will learn how embedding a daily application of this practice over time will heal the underlying causes that perpetuate an abusive relationship with alcohol.  During this time, you will learn the fundamentals of AUD, why it is so often misunderstood and thus not well treated. You will learn how to address and repair past wounds and harms, how to successfully navigate current stresses, and how to manifest mental, emotional, and physical health in daily life.  Freedom from fear= freedom from alcohol.




This part of the course will show you how to achieve deep rest, improve mental focus and flexibility, and build resilience to handle whatever sober life brings about.  Ideally, this will take place during the initial 8-week course.  Introduction to VM is a 4-day course with 1.5-hour sessions that must take place in person with a qualified teacher. We are partnered with VM teachers all over the world to be able to schedule something near you.  The cost of travel is not included in the course fee.  People who have had AUD report a similar experience of relief and bliss that we once felt from drinking alcohol through practice of VM. 



$1500 members
$2500 non member

After the five day installation period, the coaching program extends with ten 1-hour coaching sessions that spread out incrementally until they are weekly.  Research suggests that it takes about 66 days to groove a habit, so after the main course grounding sessions, your practice should be automatic and relatively effortless. We encourage continued regular sessions to improve quality of life, but the practice itself is truly self-sustaining.

Already have the
daily alignment

Great! You can join as a member right now! Join in circle support meetings, practice together sessions, free or discounted special courses and content, discounts on coaching and more. Membership suite is available to those with a current Daily Alignment Practice (i.e. fearlessness writing and VM/TM practice). 

If you have a VM/TM practice but not the writing practice or visa versa, a modified Main Course is available. 



Hello, I am so happy to meet you.  I am a sober living coach and social entrepreneur.  I have been recovered from active alcoholism (or AUD) since 1987, and further recovered from a miserable sobriety in 1989.  I began coaching others once I was shown the concrete tools that I share with people to become truly alcohol free.  I never thought that I would be able to feel good without alcohol.  I didn’t think I could even smile without a drink, much less talk to anyone, go to a party, on a date, or enjoy anything at all.  However, I have done all of those things and so much more.  I have had a million times more fun sober than I ever did drinking (and I had a lot of fun drinking).  This is all thanks to what I am excited and grateful to get to show you too.  I am a mother of two fabulous children and hu-mama of one marvelous dog.


Meghan R.

Charlottesville VA

Rachel has been an indispensable coach, and with her profound assistance, I now enjoy 26 years of continuous, purpose-filled, rewarding sobriety.  If you want your life to improve beyond anything you can imagine and experience incredible success in all your relationships and all your affairs - work with Rachel.
>>Link to testimonials


Pasadena, CA

Having worked with Rachel for over 25 years in recovery and personal development, you will not find a better qualified mentor to assist you through your recovery journey. Rachel’s knowledge base and expertise in recovery, along with her personal experience, intellect, and insight is invaluable.
>>Link to testimonials

Kai M.

Oakland, CA

I was introduced to the daily Sober & Alive method 22 years ago, and I have been able to stay sober for that whole time.  I don’t miss drinking because the fear, the depression and the self-hatred that made drinking necessary go away with this practice.
>>Link to testimonials
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